CLP Mastery is an expert online system helping professionals learn to classify, label, pack and compile Safety Data Sheets for hazardous chemicals in the EU, GB and NI. It combines online training with weekly video support sessions over an intensive three month period, with a further 9 months of support. We are open every day, so you can join whenever you like and go through the intensive training later on.
You can take the CLP Mastery Tour here: .
CLP Mastery has developed since 2010 in response to client demand, and is an expert learning system based around finding what works best for busy professionals dealing with chemical products. It contains many items which have been inspired by or suggested by our lovely trainees.
Ask us questions about CLP Mastery by emailing .
Have a lot of questions, or you would like a free personalised tour? book here: (You can invite your colleagues too, once you’ve made the booking).
CLP Mastery has been created by TT Environmental Ltd, a small environmental and safety company established in 2001. We are dedicated to helping industry protect the environment in order to protect people, and have moved into chemical safety over the years. You can find more about us here: about us. In 2006, we helped to found, and continue to support, the Chemical Regulations Self Help Group, which has its own website here:
Find out more about our other consultancy work here:
Thank you for your interest in CLP Mastery and TT Environmental. If you’d like to stay in touch, why not sign up for our weekly email newsletter Chemicals Coffee Time here? .